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Two Women

She became unstoppable when she realized how to turn her pain into her






"She became unstoppable when she turned her pain into her power." This is the mission of HiveStrong.  To empower trauma survivors to break free and thrive through a community of support, critical wrap around services and advocacy that increases successful outcomes.​


WHo we help 


Domestive violence and abuse survivors of all types: domestic, relational, sexual, narccissistic, workplace, human trafficking.


Toxic experiences can occur in the workplace, in romantic relationships, with family members, and in friendships.  Individuals find themselves in these situations unwittingly, often confused or feeling shame for what they are experiencing. Exhausted and foggy from toxicity, the road ahead can be overwhelming.  Toxic experiences are deeply traumatic and destructive at a core level. Recovery requires support. Survivors need and deserve to know they are not facing it alone. 


In January 2024, The HiveStrong Fund was established as a 501c3 non-profit organization to provide HiveStrong services to victims of abuse without financial means to survive.




Through a personalized combination of coaching, collaboration, and services, HiveStrong fosters and builds sustained survivor empowerment, THE essential element in achieving successful outcomes. 


A team of trauma-informed professionals and experienced practitioners, many of whom with personal relevant experience, collaborate and serve each client based on their specific needs and HiveStrong plan.  In addition, each client is supported throughout the process with client care coordination, ongoing coaching sessions with the founder, and a safe spaces to connect, breathe, rest, and recharge. 


A client-centered, wrap around practice with one central goal: survivor empowerment.




















Rachael Kelly


Rachael Kelly is a Human Resources executive and People Leader with decades of experience in counseling and coaching.


After a series of traumatic events, Rachael decided that enough was enough. Recognizing the support system and Hive she had around her, she was inspired to start HiveStrong to help elevate like minded individuals who find themselves in perilous situations.

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Mother and Baby on Floor

How we Help survivors


Speaking, Writing, Training & Consulting Services​

​All proceeds donated to The HivesStrong Fund to support survivors of abuse.

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